Come and learn about the different ways to lead a better and healthier life at our Health and Wellness Seminar & Fair. It is FREE to attend and is run entirely by volunteers for your benefit. Free healthy snacks will be provided.
🗓️ Saturday 18th June
🕟 11:00am to 2:00pm
🏫 Townley Grammar School
As part of the event, we have a series of qualified experts to help show and advise you about various aspects of health.
Health check up: with Woolwich and Greenwich Lions Club
Get your blood pressure, glucose levels and BMI checked by qualified medical professionals.
The 'Sitting Disease' discussion
A talk by health experts on what may be one of the most unanticipated health threats of our modern time.
Introduction to Yoga
Learn how proven Yoga techniques can help improve your mental and physical well-being.
Meditation & Mindfulness with Suryaji
Beginner techniques to bring inner peace and joy to your busy and stressful life.
Diabetes Seminar with Health Professionals
Learn about the risks of the disease and how to prevent and/or control it.
Mental Health in the young with Debo Kalley
Discussion on how important mental health is for our younger generation.
Practical Nutrition Workshop
Healthy living starts with a proper diet. Learn about what encompasses a healthy diet.