Krishna Janmashtami 2021

Sunday, August 29, 2021

🏫 Townley Grammar School - The Main Hall

🗓️ Sunday 29th August

🕓 5pm - 7pm

🎉👶 Jai Kanhaiya Lalki! - Celebrate Krishna's birth with a fun filled party and 🎂 birthday cake, including:

🍯 Dahi Handi/Matki Fod for kids

💃🏾 Raas Garba dance

👼 divine darshan of Kanha in his cradle

.... Along with a Krishna Lila Jhanki display made by members of the community. Do not miss out!

🍽 Prasad, full dinner will be served at 7.30pm after Aarti. PLEASE COME FOR PRASAD DINNER EVEN IF YOU ARE LATE

🎶 Kirtan Night - spiritually cleansing bhajans and kirtan with Soor Seva late into the evening after prasad bhoj

The wearing of face masks will be mandatory and entrance will require temperature checks and hand sanitation. Please test before attending. Anyone testing positive or with Covid symptoms is not permitted to attend.

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